Servicios de Asesoría y Capacitación Empresarial, S. C.
Imagen de consultoría
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Federal Law on protection of personal data in possession of individuals.

Responsibility to protect your personal data.

Servicios de Asesoría y Capacitación Empresarial, S. C., with address in 78, Chinaco Street, Colonia Colina del Sur, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C. P. 01430, Mexico City, is responsible for treatment of your personal data.

Ways and means of contact.

You may contact us, by writing a document in English or Spanish to our Corporate Consulting Manager, or sending an e-mail to the following electronic address:; or mailing to the following address: 78 Chinaco Street, Colonia Colina del Sur, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C. P. 01430, Mexico City, or calling from Mexico City and other states from Mexico to telephone 55-5643-1276.

Purpose of personal data that are collected.

Your personal data will be used for the purposes of monitoring, updating, and confirming hired services; marketing and hiring; crediting; fulfilling our obligations to our customers; evaluating service quality; studying consumer habits and preferences.

Data collected and means for obtaining personal data.

Your personal data, that we collect for the purposes described in this Privacy policy, are collected in a personal way, when you provide us with them by our websites (, and, e-mail, telephone, or our services online, and when we get information by other sources that are allowed by law. Personal data that we collect directly when you provide us by several means, for example e-mail or telephone. Personal data that we collect are the following:

  1. Name.
  2. Position.
  3. Company.
  4. Address.
  5. Address where you want our services to be provided.
  6. Contact telephone.
  7. e-mail.

Anytime that the Law allows us to use other information sources, such as telephone, services and business directories, personal data that we can collect by these means are name, surname, telephone, e-mail and address.

Personal data use limitations.

You may cancel your subscription to receive promotions, tenders and services, by telephone, e-mail and mail with a letter written in English or Spanish, where you indicate your request and necessary data, such as name and family name, a copy of an official ID or in electronic means, a digitized version of itself, telephone number, address, e-mail in order to inform you to the following address: 78 Chinaco street, Colonia Colina del Sur, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C. P. 01430, Mexico City; or to e-mail:

Exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO).

You have right to access to your personal data that we possess and details of treatment of them; rectify them in case they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not necessary for any of the purposes of this Privacy policy, or if they are not used for the purposes allowed and finally oppose the treatment of them for specific purposes and you shall express that clearly.

Mechanisms for the exercise of the ARCO Rights.

Rights that were described above, are exercised by submission of your respective request written in English or Spanish, and free in 78 Chinaco street, Colonia Colina del Sur, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, C. P. 01430, Mexico City or for further details you may call to telephone 55-5643-1276 or contact our Corporate Consulting Manager; or you may send your request by mail, postage prepaid, to the above address and position.

Deadline for attending to your request will be a maximum of 20 days from the date of receipt of your access, rectification, cancelation or opposition request.

We made it clear that Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales is responsible for protecting your ARCO rights and regulating and verifying the Law fulfilment.

Right to revoke your consent to personal data treatment.

Anytime you may revoke the consent to treat your personal data, in this way we will stop using them. You will need to submit your request as described above in this Privacy policy in section "Ways and means of contact". Your request shall indicate name and last name, copy of your official ID, or in electronics means, a digitized version of your official ID, e-mail, address and telephone in order to contact you.

In a maximum deadline of 20 days from the date of receipt of your revocation request, we will answer you about its validity by an e-mail to the electronic address that you had indicated in your request or mail.

National and International data transferences.

Your personal data will not be transmitted to third parties without your consent as it is stated in Article 37 of the Law, it is included the other exceptions hereof.

Modifications to our Privacy policy

We reserve the right to make at anytime, modifications or updates to our Privacy policy. Modifications that are made to our Privacy policy will be made available publicly by some or all the following means: our websites, and, as well as e-mail, mail, recordings or orally by our employees when you visit us at our offices.

Information in internet.

We inform you that in order to fulfil the purposes detailed in this Privacy policy, sensible personal data, such as: race, present or future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions, sexual preference, disability, photographs, and medical documents, among other data, will not be collected and treated. In case we need to collect sensible personal data in future, they will be treated under the strictest security measures in order to guarantee their confidentiality. Your knowledge about the treatment of these data shall be expressed in order to fulfil the Article 9 of the law and it shall be expressed by signing and writing your name as follow: I________________________ authorize expressly that my sensible personal data will be treated and transmitted according to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy ______________________.


It is understood for purposes of this Privacy policy the following definitions:


They are text files that are downloaded and saved automatically on user's computer hard disk when he or she navigates on a specific webpage or website, that allow the internet server to save some data, among them, preferred webpages on internet, some users ID and passwords in order to access to our websites,, and

By provision of Article 3, in section VI,I of the Mexican Law "Ley federal de protección de datos personales en posesión de los particulares", deadlines and time stipulated in days, are counted in business days.

ARCO rights

They are rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose personal data treatment.


It is the Mexican law "Ley federal de protección de datos personales en posesión de los particulares", (Federal Law on protection of personal data in possession of individuals), that was published in Diario Oficial de la Federación on 5th July, 2010.

Implied consent.

It will be understood what Article 8 of the Law states.

In case you wish express opposition to personal data treatment according to this Privacy policy, you shall send your request written in English or Spanish to the following address 78, Chinaco Street, Colonia, Colina del Sur, Alcandía Álvaro Obregón, C. P. 01430, Mexico City, and your request shall be addressed to Corporate Consulting Manager.

Legal issues