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Giordano Giovanetti

Giordano Giovanetti was born in 1906 in Ancona. He died in Rome in 1973. 

In 1925 he obtained the diploma of the Rome Academy of Art where he had studied under renowned painters such as De Carolis, Costantini and Vagnetti. 

Two years after,  he opened a studio in Paris together with Carlo Carcher, son of the famous painter Giuseppe Cherubini. From France he moved to Austria, then to Hungary and Poland. After that, he returned back to Italy and visited the region of Abruzzi.  In 1931, he held his first exhibition in the  area.  He then proceeded to Marche where he spent some weeks in each town of the region. 

In 1932, he exhibited his works in Belgardo and Bucharest. He then started roaming through Romania painting portraits, landscapes and making decorations at the Monastery of Sibiu until 1935. He was compelled to return to his homeland because of the Ethiopian war.  Once the war was over, he returned back to painting exhibits. At this time frame of his life, he had created more than 300 portraits among them those of Carol and Michele of Romania, actors Viviani, Petrolini and Gandusio, Mascagni and many other important persons.  

Giovanetti went to Italy and became dedicated to illustrating books. In the space of 5 years, he made 368 drawings for Mondadori's novel collection "Romanzi della Palma." In the meantime, he cooperated in the illustration of Treves editions as well as in "La Letture", "Le Vie d'Italia" and the "Antologia Mondadiri delgi Illustratori Utaliani" where his drawing "Disoccupatia Vienna" was published. 

Between his works in 1946,  he found time to organize an extremely successful personal exhibition in Rome.  In 1950 and 1951, he participated in the "Premio Michelli" and the "Premio Roma." 

Giovanetti was an extremely productive and versatile painter. His method of painting was most personal and unusual. He fixed on the first impressions he derived from the various aspects of every day life and then elaborates them following his own inspiration.   He had done this for many years since the time he felt he could follow the way of his individuality after  many years of research and experiences in the field of figurative art. 

During his academic period, he was influenced by  De Carolis. He inspired the cartoons made for Terni Theatre - while with one of his drawings, he gave his Master the idea for the engraving "Vide Cor Meum." He was attracted by the Venetians and by Velasquez, as it appears in some of his best works by the warm colors of which golden tones are found by these masters. 

The masterpieces of Watteau and Corot soon drew him to freer and delicate harmonies. Then came the "Cappellino Bianco" and the "Cappellino Nero."  His sketches of mannequins, still-life's and the many landscapes portraits. His works are known for their fresh gray, pinks and light browns. The works are also known for their diverse and tender green mark, a new chromatic tendency who turns the natural symphony of things and seizes it through the very mirror of his soul.

The fervor of his immediate paintings brought him to a most inspired "Pieta" of Goyan force, which vibrates the glorious accent of works destined to witness in the time and talent of this artist.

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